Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is just coming around the corner, as well as more Animal jam updates! Have you all bought your turkeys yet for the holidays? The Animal Jam Tumbling Together team will have to act with haste with all the new stuff coming out. T^T Also, a quick note from the team:

AJTT team or crew positions are now open, as the previous members have gone inactive. Want to be featured in one of our newest posts? Just comment or send us a jam-a-gram and we'll set up a schedule! 

And on another note, keep commenting (there are no comments! D:) and we'll keep posting~ Suggestions are more than welcome, and we'll get to it right away. Have anything else to say that we missed? Just post a comment below on this post! <33 Thank you so much ~From the AJTT team.

Secrets - The Frozen Pond and Canyon Bridge

Hey there, Jammers! The team and I have thought about trying to make a post at least once every two days here on Animal Jam Tumbling Together, so we're leaving AJTT crew positions open for an extra hand~ Back to the topic -- You probably already know the secret at Mt. Shiveer and Coral Canyons, but this is just for the people that don't. ^.^

Aha, you can't see the wooden sign anymore!~

I personally (in my opinion) don't believe that breaking either one will give you free membership, but this is because I've seen times where more Jammers than this have resulted in nothing. You can see that Juju changed her head accessory. :D ROFL, Juju kept calling herself the 'Queen of Flowers'.

We look like king of the derps. .-.

.. And of course the image to the left certainly won't help give membership either. T^T But the frozen pond and canyon bridge are animated platforms that show cracks when Jammers stand or jump over them. And as I've mentioned before on here, rumors say that if you break it, you'll win membership (Which I don't believe).
Did anyone else notice Juju's fox (named
Winddeer o-o) that was supposed to be Slenderman?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Updates - The Play-as-Your-Pet Party

Hello!~ c: There's a new amazing party in the party list. -- And as its title implies, you get to play as your pet! Whether you're a hamster or owl, as long as you have a pet you can jam on in there. I found this idea utterly creative as you can walk around as the close-up version of your pet.

The crew died of old age waiting for this party. ;-;

Not to mention there's a Pet Stop, Pets Only Shop and a Pet Wash! After washing your pet, your pet will sparkle omg your pet is now a vampire~ Also, sparkles come in different colors. <--------------------------------------------------------------------

The Pets Only Shop is available to both non-members and members. Some of the items are non-member and are probably for your pets (not you! x3), and has color that can be changed. Hooray, the first non-member pet items! Last but not least, the farewell message:

Friday, November 22, 2013

Journey Books - Coral Canyons

Woot! Animal Jam Tumbling Together proudly announces that this is our first journey book guide. Most of these pictures are from last summer, so ignore how funny our crew used to look -- We evolved like Pokemon. ;-; We'll make this quick and sweet to the point so that you can move along as you read this. ;)
First off, simply click the journey book icon on your top left-hand corner and you'll find it. Here's a hint: It's between your trophy status and the party list! Oh wait, never mind. -- I guess the picture already tells you that. >u<" But your journey book will flip to Coral Canyons if you're there. Something like this will show up in your journey book:
We'll just go down the mysteriously shaded figures. 
[Moves] = You must wait for the ninja to come out.
The tarantula is located on the left 
side of the canyon stairs, also under 
the right side of the river. [Moves]

The dandelion is located near the waterfall. Going 
UP the stairs, you'll find it! [Stable]

The cactus is located right next to the sign 
leading to the Canyons Pathway. [Stable]

The coyote is located on the blue 
mountains on top of the bridge (the one that
 is said to be able to break) [Moves]
The scorpion is located under 
the pet hamster finder. [Moves]
You can find the rattlesnake's location by standing
 where you found the dandelion and looking 
to the far left (behind the waterfall). [Moves]

Even though it looks like it should be somewhere near the coyote, it's not. The Peregrine Falcon is located over the naked tree, beside the pet cat finder and sky high game. [Moves]

The bee and its hive is located beside
 the Best Dressed game. [Stable]
The Gila Monster is located right above the tarantula. [Moves]

The cardinal is located on the branch over the bridge that is said to break [Moves] AMG LOOL, look at how the crew (Anyone with an arrow sticking out of their head) used to look. x3

Another old picture from last summer. If you can see the Summer Carnival sign there, you know how ancient this picture is. ;o; Also, the picture is pretty self-explanatory, so! :D [Moves]

Thank you so much for reading!~ ^.^ The new pictures were taken by me (and Juju was helping me find them) at twelve in the morning -- We risk our lives to give you footage, lovely AJTT fans. <33
Story time: Oh! And on another note, Juju was eating pistachios while we were taking pictures and running around the empty server LOOL. x3 Edit: I forgot to mention the Coral Canyons Journey Book prize! Here you go:

Updates - Turkey Hats & Thanksgiving

Welcome to another Animal Jam Tumbling Together update! ^.^ Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and Animal Jam is starting to put up some holiday items. This will be another post under the category of Updates, and sooo sorry for the almost-a-year absence.. I was busy with school work. ;-; pfft gloom you always say that
You know you want it. :9

I thought it'd be nicer if I changed the post a little bit and put the new item above its paragraph, instead of under it. The update actually came out today (an hour ago), as it is an available in the Jam Mart Clothing. -- It's the fabulous turkey hat. It comes in various colors in which I have tried collecting through Adventures, and looks nicely decorated! c: Another thing I'd like to show you is a new Jam-A-Gram message! It will probably only stick around for a while, so be sure to check them out before they're gone~

'Fall is here' also included, except Gloom is too lazy. :D
AMG MY MOUSE ANIMAL JAM MOUSE DISAPPEARED!~ ;o; Also, There's another message that says 'Fall is here' that you can choose -- I was just too lazy to take another picture just for it. Gah, I almost forgot.. ouo

*Pulls out children's animal sounds book* Juju, I never knew turkeys go 'tweet tweet'! o-o Oh well. Happy Thanksgiving guys, and thank you so much for reading~ 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Updates - Friendship Bracelets & Flower Crowns

Hello there, and welcome to Animal Jam Tumbling Together! c: This will be another post under the category of Updates, and sorry about the lack of posts lately (And the super long title!).. I was busy with school work and jamming when I had free time! :3

A new item that I absolutely LOVED, available in the Jam Mart Clothing, is the friendship bracelet. After finding and checking out about the awesome new item, I just had to make a post about it on Animal Jam Tumbling Together! Here's a picture of them. c:

This is the friendship bracelet~! It's not as expensive
as I've imagined, and it looks awesome. XD
And this is the flower crown~! Although it's
unfortunately, member-only, it still looks pretty nice. :D

This is pretty much it! With the flower crown, you can claim yourself as the top; queen of flowers~ That's what my friend (Jujuballoon) did. XD And as for the friendship bracelets, they're pretty much the like the best give ever you can give to them perfect to gift or trade to your friends! They're great for giving them to your dearest friends~ <33 Sorry, I had to repeat that. T^T 

But otherwise, I think that if one of your friends are down, USE THE POWER OF THE FRIENDSHIP BRACELET. This friendship bracelet alone made my day. :D And if you're not sure what colours there are for the friendship bracelets, there's: blue, orange, white, red, purple, pink, green, and brown. Jfhuwresdk.. Thank you co much, Jujuballoon with helping me with that~ :3

Thank you for reading this Animal Jam Tumbling Together post, for we hope you learned something new about the items in the Jam Mart Clothing - Have a wonderful time Jamming with your buddies, and if you want to suggest anything else, please feel free to leave a comment! :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Glitches - The Canyons Pathway

Hello there, and welcome to Animal Jam Tumbling Together! c: This will be a post under the category of Glitches, and this glitch will teach you how to still be in the Canyons Pathway while standing in the entrance of the Coral Canyons. :3 If your interested, keep reading! :)

The first and easiest step in the Canyons Pathway Glitch.
Study the image above to comprehend the paragraph and image below.
As the first step, simply stand in front of the sign to the Coral Canyons, not too close though - That will lead to going to the Coral Canyons.. And I almost forgot to mention that you can stand in a very odd but pawsome place in the Canyons Pathway that will be mentioned a lot in this glitch guide or tutorial. :)

Nah, I change my mind.. I think this might be the easiest.
:D I think you can tell what it is just by looking at the picture!
If you were thinking Switching Animals, yep - You guess it! This glitch will require for you to have at the least, more than one animal. It's likely that you'll have more than one animal, but if you don't, feel free to purchase one for 1,000 gems. Oh lookie! Half of mah face over there in the corner..! :D

The continuation of the second step in this glitch.
..Heh, my hamster looks pretty sad and scared in the image
After clicking on the Switch Animals button, quickly click on the ground leading to Coral Canyons or walk past the Coral Canyons sign. As your switched animal transforms, you will notice that you're standing where you should be on your way to Coral Canyons. Awesome, right? :D 

The true meaning of being scared. :D
This is what you can do while you're doing the glitch! How do you do it? - I'd like for YOU to figure out how! But when you do figure out how to do that, you can scare people.. Perfect for Halloween, don't you think? :) Also, as I always do, last but not least, featuring helpers. The scared confused orange-pelted wolf in the last image is Pouncing Largecat. :3

Due to reasons, such as I cannot spill the beans about her username and the fact she's pretty ninja-minded, I'd best not mention her username in this post itself. :c Sorry, guys! But if Pouncing Largecat is fine with that, I think she'll be more than glad to mention her username in the comments below. 

Thank you for reading this Animal Jam Tumbling Together post, for we hope you learned something new about Animal Jam Glitches - Good luck trying this glitch out, and if you want to suggest anything, please feel free to leave a comment! :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

AJTT Wisps - Ask Gloomy

Hello there, and welcome to Animal Jam Tumbling Together! c: This will be the first post under the category of AJTT Wisps, which unfortunately cannot be commented on (except for on Ask Gloomy), but are somewhat special and off-topic towards guidance in Animal Jam. AJTT Wisps posts however, are about the Animal Jam Tumbling Together's blog or the site itself. :3

All ears. :) Yep, you read that right! - I think most
of the comments posted will be replied to, considering that
I use comments as fuel and tend to reply to everything,
always having to have the last word. XD

What are the rules for suggestions and questions? There aren't much, but the four rules are actually pretty obvious and brief so no need to hesitate on posting a suggestion or question. :3

  • No inappropriate language, content, or anything related to the following materials.
  • No trade requests or anything like that, for that can be done at the progressing chat-box instead. 
  • What type of questions am I looking for? Questions that stand reasonable and maybe even questions about me, although that sounds really self-centered. DX No questions about personal info, though.
  • What type of suggestions am I looking for? Suggestions have less rules about it than questions do, so let your imagination run wild!~
At times I'm pretty sure I won't have the time to be able to reply to all of the comments, so if there's a question that hasn't been answered for a while, please feel free to answer and reply to it! Simply click on the reply button, and don't worry - It doesn't bite. :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Updates - The Freedom Party

Hello there, and welcome to Animal Jam Tumbling Together! c: This will be another post under the category of Updates, and although this is a bit later than the time the Freedom Party was actually released, these are some pictures of time spent there. :3

The first picture taken.
 The first picture taken consumed about 2 or 3 hours, as I tried to wait for the crowd to clear at the Freedom Party and got everyone in place. Of course it would be a bit impossible to have no one at a party, so the fox in the far left corner was a bit confused about what we were doing. XD

The second picture taken. Look - Is that me again?! :D
 The second picture taken wasn't as difficult, nor as time consuming. :) The puzzled fox decided to change her pelt in unison and dance with the arctic wolves, and I think she had a wonderful time with us, considering the emoticon she selected is positive! :D ..Sorry if I'm in the way. ;_;

Last but not least- Hey! Is that me again!? Oh, wait - I'm in all of
the pictures. Continuing, last but not least, the third picture.
The third picture was taken without letting my buddies know, and you can tell by the bubble coming out of my head, "Say it in unison~ c:". XD It was done wonderfully, and I must thank my buddies for helping out with this new update. I was extremely picky about what went where, and who stood where. Despite this, they didn't complain or anything - It was fun working with you guys. :)

Thank you for reading this Animal Jam Tumbling Together post, for we hope you learned something new about the Freedom Party - Have a wonderful time at the Freedom Party, and if you want to suggest anything else, please feel free to leave a comment! :)

Secrets - Colors in a Palate

Hello there, and welcome to Animal Jam Tumbling Together! c: This will be another post under the category of Secret, and again, if you already know this trick, that's fine. This is just a little fun activity for those who don't know. :3 The secret for today is about a 'really light blue' that cannot be selected from a color square of the palate, but instead can be selected from clicking on an area on the palate. If you're interested, keep on reading! :)

Study the image and look for the purple in the far right corner
of the palate, it should be circled with a red outlining. :)
Simply click on the lower right corner of the purple square and poof! Vuala~, that part on your Animal Jam avatar will become a different color that isn't on the palate. If this isn't working, don't worry; this happens a lot to me too - Just click rapidly on that area until you get it! 

And if you're wondering why I crossed the words Color 2 out in the image above, it was because this secret color can be used in all parts, just like any other color in the palate: Can be used in markings, underbelly (color 2), back (color 1), and eyes. Here's how the secret color should look on your avatar:

The secret color.
As I've mentioned before, this secret color can be used on all fur parts. Considering that I mentioned this, I thought it looked pretty pawsome and furbulous if you actually covered yourself in this secret color.. It blends in pretty well at Mt. Shiveer, too. XD 


Enough of that funny business. :D Thank you for reading this Animal Jam Tumbling Together post, for we hope you learned something new - Good luck trying this secret out, and if you want to suggest anything else, please feel free to leave a comment! :)