Friday, November 22, 2013

Updates - Turkey Hats & Thanksgiving

Welcome to another Animal Jam Tumbling Together update! ^.^ Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and Animal Jam is starting to put up some holiday items. This will be another post under the category of Updates, and sooo sorry for the almost-a-year absence.. I was busy with school work. ;-; pfft gloom you always say that
You know you want it. :9

I thought it'd be nicer if I changed the post a little bit and put the new item above its paragraph, instead of under it. The update actually came out today (an hour ago), as it is an available in the Jam Mart Clothing. -- It's the fabulous turkey hat. It comes in various colors in which I have tried collecting through Adventures, and looks nicely decorated! c: Another thing I'd like to show you is a new Jam-A-Gram message! It will probably only stick around for a while, so be sure to check them out before they're gone~

'Fall is here' also included, except Gloom is too lazy. :D
AMG MY MOUSE ANIMAL JAM MOUSE DISAPPEARED!~ ;o; Also, There's another message that says 'Fall is here' that you can choose -- I was just too lazy to take another picture just for it. Gah, I almost forgot.. ouo

*Pulls out children's animal sounds book* Juju, I never knew turkeys go 'tweet tweet'! o-o Oh well. Happy Thanksgiving guys, and thank you so much for reading~ 

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